ASEAN and Myanmar’s Future
Australia Myanmar Institute invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting
Date: March 28, 2022 (Monday)
Duration: 1 hour
Time: 1800-1900 PM Australia/Melbourne Time (1330-1430 Myanmar/Yangon Time)
Join Zoom Meeting: please click here
Passcode: 12345
ASEAN has been wrestling with the situation in Myanmar since the military takeover on 1 February 2021. On 24 April 2021 it produced a five point consensus calling the immediate cessation of hostilities, constructive dialogue among all the parties, the appointment of a special envoy, the provision of humanitarian assistance and a visit by the envoy to Myanmar. Little useful has happened since, and preparations are under way for a visit by the current special envoy, Cambodian Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn.
This seminar will explore ASEAN’s capacity to contribute meaningfully to Myanmar’s future, and set that alongside Australia’s potential role through its place as a dialogue partner since 2014 and a strategic partner since 2014. We will also have a comment from a Myanmar youth on the view of youth on ASEAN’s value as the principal regional organisation concerned.
Dr Erin Watson-Lynn is an international and public and corporate affairs consultant, academic and board director who works with government, industry and universities. She has expertise in Australia’s engagement with Asia and has extensive experience working with both Myanmar and ASEAN.
Melissa Conley Tyler is Program Lead at the Asia-Pacific Development, Diplomacy & Defence Dialogue (AP4D) and Honorary Fellow at the University of Melbourne’s Asia Institute. Melissa is a prolific commentator with expertise in Australian foreign policy, Australia’s relationships across Asia and the practice of diplomacy.
Youth commentator will comment on the presentations by the lead speakers from the standpoint of Myanmar’s youth as the demographic which will lead Myanmar in the future, irrespective of the current political situation. The commentator is a prominent student activist in Mandalay, speaking from a hidden location to protect his security.
A question and answer session will be conducted after the presentation. For more information about AMI, please visit:
***NOTE: Zoom can work very well, but it poses difficulties for people with a poor internet connection. So, people from Myanmar (or elsewhere) who might have a poor internet connection or low bandwidth should turn off the video mode and listen to the seminar. You may be able to switch on the video from time to time just to see who is speaking, but definitely don’t use the video mode if you wish to speak yourself. You can also pose questions using the chat function. The whole seminar will be uploaded later on the AMI website and Facebook page.