June Monthly Semiar_Zoom meeting

Civil Society in Myanmar’s Future: Health Sector

Australia Myanmar Institute invites you to a scheduled Zoom meeting

Date: June 28, 2021 (Monday) 

Duration: 1 hour

Time: 06:00-7:00 PM Australia/Melbourne Time (02:30-03:30 PM Myanmar/Yangon Time)

Join Zoom Meeting: please click here 

Meeting ID: 2852417834

Passcode: 12345

The collapse of Myanmar’s health systems as a consequence of COVID-19 and the military takeover on 1 February 2021 presents a dramatic and serious threat to the people and the economy of the whole country and the wider region. The panel will assess this series of challenges and offer advice on how civil society and health professional organisations might best supplement the actions of official enterprises.

Dr Kyi Minn is the senior health expert from Myanmar Health and Development Consortium.  He is currently health adviser to the CSR department of the UMFCCI.  He is also an honorary fellow lecturer at the Nossal Institute of Global Health, Melbourne School of Population and Global Health of the University of Melbourne and a member of expert reference group for research consortia Strengthening Preparedness in the Asia-Pacific Region through Knowledge (SPARK) at the Peter Doherty Institute for infection and immunity in Melbourne, Australia.

Dr Raymond Tint Way, a practicing psychiatrist and psychotherapist in Sydney is Vice-President of AMI.  His interests include the psychological effects of a totalitarian system on a nation in general and the impact of impunity on the recovery of trauma victims in particular.  He will talk about the near collapse of the healthcare system in the aftermath of a coup on 1 February, the role of civil society, and the need for genuine reconciliation as a key to rebuild a traumatised nation.

Dr Khin Mar Mar Kyi is the inaugural Daw Aung San Suu Kyi Gender Research Fellow and award winning social anthropologist, based at the University of Oxford. She is a Board member of AMI, and has been working closely with various universities in Myanmar for education reform, curricular development and capacities building. Apart from academic work, Mar has also served as country advisor, technical adviser and senior consultant in the UK, EU, Australia, and Southeast Asia for many international bilateral aid organisations, non-governmental and government organisations. She is considered one of the key interlocutors between Myanmar, the international community and universities. Her focus relates to issues of gender, peace studies, child protection, labour, governance, humanitarian issues, migration studies and education reform.

A question and answer session will be conducted after the presentation. For more information about AMI, please visit: aummi.edu.au/.

***NOTE: Zoom can work very well, but it poses difficulties for people with a poor internet connection. So, people from Myanmar (or elsewhere) who might have a poor internet connection or low bandwidth should turn off the video mode and listen to the seminar. You may be able to switch on the video from time to time just to see who is speaking, but definitely don’t use the video mode if you wish to speak yourself.  You can also pose questions using the chat function.  AMI will upload the whole seminar later on the AMI website and Facebook page.