Myanmar’s future with Her Excellency Daw Zin Mar Aung
The University of Melbourne is pleased to announce the upcoming public seminar on Myanmar’s Future with Union Minister of Foreign Affairs H.E. Daw Zin Mar Aung, National Unity Government.
As part of her first visit to Australia, the Initiative for Peacebuilding and Myanmar Research Network are honoured to co-host a public seminar focused on the Union Foreign Minister’s updates on the work of the National Unity Government and their struggles towards an end to military violence and return of democratic rule.
This event is free and open to all interested in attending. REGISTER HERE
Accessibility: The Forum Theatre utilises a hearing aid loop. It is also wheelchair accessible: enter Arts West via Professor’s Walk using the southernmost automatic doors; via the ramp behind the main staircase proceed to the bank of three elevators on the North side to Level 1. Accessible bathrooms are available on Level 1 opposite the Forum Theatre.
Date: Thursday 27 June 2024
Time: 4:00pm – 5:00pm
Host: Faculty of Arts
Location: Forum Theatre (Room 153), Arts West, the University of Melbourne
Cost: Free
Ma Thida: Myanmar’s Struggle for Democracy
Date: Thursday, 6 Jun 2024, 06:30pm – 07:30pm
Venue: The Wheeler Centre
In 1993, Ma Thida was sentenced to 20 years in prison for her support of Aung San Suu Kyi’s National League for Democracy and for ‘endangering public peace, having contact with illegal organisations, and distributing unlawful literature’.
Released from prison in 1999, Thida’s advocacy for freedom of expression continues unabated as Chair of PEN International’s Writers in Prison Committee and as a current fellow in the Writers-in-Exile Programme of PEN Germany.
In June, Ma Thida appears at The Wheeler Centre in conversation with writer, essayist and academic Michelle Aung Thin. Together, they’ll discuss the current political situation in Myanmar, Thida’s activism and survival of the harsh conditions of Insein Prison, and her ongoing dedication to freedom of expression.
Online Event
Registration: Register now
Close Date: 16/02/2024
Ticket Price: Complimentary
Event Date and Time: 15/02/2024 – 05:00 – 06:00 PM
Co-hosted by the University of Melbourne’s Initiative for Peacebuilding and the Australia Myanmar Institute.
Convenors (and contact) – Professor Joseph Lo Bianco and Dr Tania Miletic
Date: Friday 2 February 2024
Time: 9:00am – 6:00pm
Host: Faculty of Arts
Location: Forum Theatre (153), Arts West – North Wing (148A)
Cost: Free
This one-day symposium on pursuing transformation and peace in Myanmar brings together Myanmar and Australian government leaders, researchers and practitioners to reflect on and further prospects for conflict transformation in Myanmar through presentations, panel discussion and participatory engagement.
This event is free and open to all interested in attending.
Accessibility: This event is both in person and online. The Forum Theatre utilises a hearing aid loop. It is also wheelchair accessible: enter Arts West via Professor’s Walk using the southernmost automatic doors; via the ramp behind the main staircase proceed to the bank of three elevators on the North side to Level 1. Accessible bathrooms are available on Level 1 opposite the Forum Theatre.
Press Release 6/2023 | 11 May 2023
The NUG Representative Office (Australia)
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The National Unity Government, Union Minister for Human Rights H.E. Aung Myo Min will hold public seminars (no online facility) at the following Australian universities. You can attend these seminars by registering on the websites provided by the respective universities.
1) Australian National University
Topic: Human Rights in Myanmar: The NUG’s Programs and Policies
Date/Time: 12 May 2023 (Friday) | 4:40 – 6 PM (AEST)
Venue: Lecture Theatre 1 (HB1), Hedley Bull Building 130, ANU
2) Curtin University
Topic: Is Peace and Democracy Possible in Myanmar?
Date/Time: 22 May 2023 (Monday) | 5 – 6:30 PM (AWST)
Venue: The Council Chambers, Level 3, Building 100
Registration: tbc
3) Melbourne University
Topic: Human Rights and Prospects for Peace in Myanmar
Date/Time: 30 May 2023 (Tuesday) | 4 – 5:30 PM (AEST)
Venue: Arts West – North Wing (Room 556), Royal Parade Parkville
4) Sydney University
Topic: Is Peace and Democracy Possible in Myanmar?
Date/Time: 2 June 2023 (Friday) | 3:30 – 5 PM (AEST)
Venue: Lecture Theatre 200, Social Sciences Bldg. (A02) Science Rd.
Research Report Launch!
We are excited to invite you to the launch of our research paper, ‘Young people & Covid-19 in the Asia Pacific: Opportunities and Challenges’ on Thursday 16 March, from 6 – 8pm hosted at Oxfam in Melbourne or you can join online.
This launch marks the release of a year-long report conducted by Oaktree partnering with more than 20 youth-led/youth-focussed organisations in the Asia-Pacific Region. Written by young people, for young people this report aims to champion the voice of youth to induce constructive, systemic change.
The findings and recommendations in this report are a crucial insight for the development community – policy makers and practitioners alike – as it gives a voice to young people. Individuals under 24 years old comprise over 50% of the population in the Asia-Pacific region, therefore, we can’t have effective development in the Asia-Pacific without addressing this key cohort – This report matters.
So please join us for a night of sharing, conversations and celebration.
With love and gratitude,
Team Oaktree 🧡
Date :23 October 2022 (Sunday)
Time : 11:00 am – 3:00 PM
Venue : Oakleigh Town Hall,142Drummond Street, Oakleigh VIC 3166.
More Information : Ko Naing Sausman (0459 030 105), Ko Pho Du (0430 917 717) Ma Nwe Ni Tun (0423 956 609)
Human Rights and Business in Myanmar
Assessing the human rights impact of doing business in Myanmar
Post-coup Myanmar and international aid agencies: Solidarity or self-preservation?
Legitimacy and international representation
Why the U.N must recognise Myanmar’s elected government.
Date & Time: September 20, 2022 8AM (EDT, US Time) 10:00 PM (MEL Time)/ 6:30 PM (YGN Time)
What to expect?
A round table discussion on the importance of the U.N’s role in Myanmar crisis: why the General Assembly must again stand with the national liberation movement and vote for Myanmar to be represented by the people’s authentic representative at the UNGA.
Our panel of speakers are leading experts, minister, lawmakers, and lawyers, highly knowledgeable on international human rights law, international law and Myanmar.
– U Aung Myo Min, the Union Minister for Human Rights in the cabinet of Myanmar’s National Unity Government
– Chris Sidoti, a human rights lawyer, advocate, teacher, a founding member of the Special Advisory Council for Myanmar
– Dr. Catherine Renshaw, Professor at the School of Law at Western Sydney University
Moderator is Mon Zin, a CPA, a human rights and pro-democracy activist for Myanmar
Please do send in any questions or comments you have for our speakers in advance.
Here is the registration link.
PEN Melbourne fundraiser for the poets and writers of PEN Myanmar.
Join PEN Melbourne and meet people from Myanmar who support the resistance to the February 2021 military coup in their homeland. They will read poems and writings by writers in Myanmar. The coup brutally deposed Myanmar’s democratically elected parliament and continues to impose its rule through shocking levels of violence against its own people, mounting a ruthless campaign of terror against Myanmar’s civil society and targeting anyone who peacefully expresses their opposition to dictatorship. Poets and writers, whose words have come to symbolise the people’s struggle against dictatorship, have been subjected to some of the most egregious levels of violence carried out by junta forces.
Date & Time: 28th May 2022 (Saturday) , 2 pm
Venue : La Mama, 349 Drummond Street, Carlton VIC
All funds from this event go to PEN Myanmar. Read the details here.
Please click the link to buy the tickets.
On Wednesday 4th May 2022, 6-7pm, a free Public Online Forum(‘town hall’ style) is being held with a panel of representatives from our three major political parties.Senator Hon David Fawcett (Liberal-National Coalition), Peter Khalil MP (Labor Party) and Senator Janet Rice (Australian Greens)
Fortify Rights Press Conference & Report Launch: “ Genocide by Attrition ”
You’re invited to Sharing Hope’s Business Breakfast for 2022!
Hear Christopher Lamb speak on the current situation in Myanmar, the implications this has for Australia and the wider community, and the outlook for the future. We will also hear a Karen refugee’s experience of growing up on the Thai-Burma border before settling in Australia.
Funds raised will support Sharing Hope’s projects on the Thai-Burma border.
Please buy the tickets here
LOCATION: Karralyka Centre, Mines Rd, Ringwood VIC 3134
DATE & TIME: May 11, 2022, 7:00 AM – 9:00 AM
The future of research in Myanmar: ethics and practice
In Myanmar, research has long been associated with challenges and questions in terms of ethics and practice. With a history of successive authoritarian regimes and earlier colonial occupation setting the stage for more extractive research relationships, researchers—both international and domestic—have continued to conduct research in the face of harsh restrictions.
Date and time: Fri, 6 May 2022, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM AEST
Panelists: Saw John Bright, Myat Thet Thitsar and Nick Cheesman
Moderators: Tamas Wells and Sophia Htwe
You can register via event link and a Zoom link will be sent to you.
A New Burma: Whistleblowers
MRC 2022 Dialogue Series announced
Please register and join us either in-person or online to hear from the following scholars on these interesting topics.
Friday 25 Feb
Creative Engagement with Myanmar: Using our Knowledge Outside Academia
Rose Metro, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA
Online only.
Please click here to register and join the events.
Repossessing Shanland: Book Launch and Panel Discussion

Zoom meeting ID: 932 1980 5165 ; will also be available on Facebook live.
HARP-F Humanitarian Assistance and Resilience Programme Facility
A Participation Revolution? Experiences with implementing Grand Bargain commitments to community participation in WaSH projects in Myanmar: and the path to greater resilience during COVID-19 and the coup
Webinar: Tuesday 13th December 3.30-5.30 PM Myanmar time/9-11am GMT Register:
Follow Live on Facebook: @HARPfacility Webinar in Myanmar language and English
Please see the full flyer in English and in Myanmar.
National Day of Prayer for Myanmar
Association of Mainland Southeast Asia Scholars Conference, 29-30 November 2021, online
The past decade has seen a distinct authoritarian turn across the countries of mainland Southeast Asia: Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. To examine this issue the Association of Mainland Southeast Asia Scholars (AMSEAS) will be holding its first on-line conference on 29th-30th November 2021. Speakers are drawn from universities across Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, China, and the UK.
Details on how to attend online will be provided to people who register (see below)
The theme is: “Mainland Southeast Asia: Control and Resistance”
The conference program and registration details are available here:
Organizing Committee
1st Biennial AMSEAS Conference
Highlighting two historical papers on Myanmar, day two:
Kirin in the Chinthe’s Territory: The Presence of Chinese Films in British Burma, 1925-1927– Yongchun Fu, NingboTech University
Old Burmese Weights were not Opium Weights. They were Weights. What Else do we Know about Them? — Bob Hudson, University of Sydney
Myanmar: One Year After the Coup – International Conference 18-19 Feb 2022
By Myanmar Europe research network
Great opportunity at hybrid conference run by University of Torino (Italy) for Myanmar, youth researchers and Myanmar NGOs for financial award for best papers. Call for papers attached.
The organising committee will award the best papers presented by under-35 young researchers, according to the following scheme:
• 2 awards to the best papers by young international scholars > 500 € each
• 2 awards to the best papers by Myanmar’s scholars > 750 € each
• 2 contributions to Myanmar NGOs and/or entities presenting their research on education and society > 1,000 € ea
• 2 awards to the best papers by graduate students and recent graduates of the University of Turin > 500 € each
Please click the link for the full flyer of conference.
Myanmar Update 2021: Living with the Pandemic and the Coup
The ANU Myanmar Research Centre is pleased to host the 2021 Update with support from the International Development Research Centre
In 2020 the COVID-19 pandemic changed things everywhere. It is still too early to say what the full effects of the pandemic will be on Myanmar. And to further exacerbate this, in February 2021, the Tatmadaw, Myanmar’s Armed forces staged a coup seizing power from the democratically elected and incumbent government, the National League for Democracy. What has followed has seen mass demonstrations on the streets, brutal crackdowns, economic downturn and the redrawing of many long-held boundaries, be it social or political. This year’s Myanmar Update brings together a diverse list of experts who address the many social issues that have emerged from both the pandemic and the coup and their long term consequences for the country.
Please register here.
Building upon our inaugural 2020 conference, the 2021 Global Peace Conference promises to be an exciting, interactive convergence of thought-provokers, peacebuilders and everyday people building peace in their spheres of influence.
This 24-hour global peace conference is not a typical academic conference or business networking opportunity. Our value is in dialogue and in collaboration, so everyone – YOU included – has a part to play in making our conference meaningful.
The Global Peace Conference is a volunteer-run initiative. To continue our work and to ensure that people from around the world can join us, we need your help. Donations go towards covering fees associated with conference platforms, registration fees set by Hopin (that we incur on behalf of each registrant so that they can join us for free), and honorariums for keynote speakers and partnering community groups.
Please click here for GLOBAL PEACE CONFERENCE.

The road ahead on education reform: What comes next for Myanmar?
As Myanmar’s newly elected government gets into office in early 2021, what are the challenges ahead to reinvigorate education at all levels?
Date: January 22, 2021 (Friday)
Time: 7:30-9:00 PM (Myanmar Time), 12:00 AM – 1:30 AM AEDT
Speakers :
-Professor Marie Lall (Professor of Education and South Asian Studies at the University College London (UCL) Institute of Education)
-Dr. Kyaw Moe Tun (The president of Parami University)
Please register for the seminar by clicking the link.
More information about the seminar please click the link.
HASINA: Through My Eyes
By Dr Michelle Aung Thin
Edited by Lyn White
Date : 18th September 2019
Time : 5:30 pm for 6:00 pm start
Location : Readings Hawthorn Bookstore, 701 Glenferrie Road, Hawthorn
Flood Relief Fundraising for Myanmar
We are warmly inviting you to the Flood Relief fundraising for Myanmar event Night
Date: 21 Sep 2019 (Saturday)
Time: 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Place: St.Richard’s Primary School Hall
672 Mt. Dandenong Rd, Kilsyth, VIC 3137.
All Donations will go to Flood Victims in Myanmar
RSVP and payment by 15 September 2019.
Entrenched Illiberalism in Mainland Southeast Asia
Date/time: Monday 8 April to Tuesday 9 April 2019, 9am-5pm
Venue: The Auditorium, China in the World Building 188, Fellows Lane, Acton, ACT 2601
Speakers: Pasuk Pongpaichit, Prajak Kongkirati, Ou Virak, Naruemon Thabchumpon, Chit Win, Kimly Ngoun, Chris Baker, Anne Hennings, Melissa Crouch, Costas Laoutides, Khin Zaw Win, Christoph Sperfeldt, Myat Thet Thitsar, Kevin Hewison, Aim Sinpeng, and Alice Beban
Conference program and registration at
Yangon Heritage Trust – Breakfast Session
The session will include presentations on heritage conservation locally.
When: Thursday 14 March – 8.30 am to 10.30 am
Where: Novotel Hotel Yangon, 459 Pyay Road, Kamayut Township
Cost: Free for AustCham Member/USD10.00 Non-member
Australian National University (ANU) – Preliminary Conference program
Abstracts deadline extended to Jan 31st 2019
The second Sustainable Development Symposium in the Asia-Pacific will be held 19-21st December 2019 at M.I.T.S Gwalior, India following from the inaugural Symposium held at RMIT University in Australia in 2017. The Symposium is supported by the United Nations One Planet* Sustainable Buildings and Construction Programme and the IUSDRP. The Symposium has been designed to foster and facilitate the exchange of information, ideas and experiences acquired in the execution of projects with sustainability outcomes.
While the focus is on India; experiences, case studies and practices from India and other parts of the world, relating to sustainability education, cities, buildings and circularity in the built environment are welcome. Selected papers will be published in a book under the award winning “World Sustainability Series” by Springer.
For more information, go to
Australian National University (ANU) – CALL FOR PAPERS
Myanmar Update 2019: Living with Myanmar
Proposals due by 7 September 2018, with the conference to take place at The Australian National University on 15-16 March 2019
The next Myanmar Update conference will be held on Friday, 15 March and Saturday, 16 March 2019 at The Australian National University, Canberra. Hosted by the ANU Myanmar Research Centre, in the College of Asia and the Pacific, the conference has as its theme ‘Living with Myanmar’.