Australian Embassy Yangon 2017-2018 Direct Aid Program – Call for Applications 


 Dear friends and colleagues,

 We are pleased to advise that applications for the 2017-2018 Direct Aid Program (DAP) are now open.

 DAP is a flexible, small grants scheme for development activities, managed by the Australian Embassy in Yangon. The program funds projects that provide direct benefit to those most in need in the local community, including vulnerable or disadvantaged groups. In Myanmar our program is particularly focused on livelihoods. Applications for capacity building projects, including in the areas of governance, economic development and human rights engagement, are also welcome.

 More information on DAP, and the application form, can be found on the Embassy website:  

 Please note that the closing date for applications will be 4:00 pm on 2 October 2017 (Yangon time). Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.


If you have any questions, please contact



Direct Aid Program (DAP) Committee

Australian Embassy, Yangon

88 Strand Road, Kyauktada Township

Phone +95 1 251 809/810