Myanmar’s Remote Universities – experiences, progress and challenges
Date Monday 24th September 2018
Time 5:30 pm for 6pm start (refreshments 7-7:30pm)
Venue The University of Melbourne, the Graduate School of Education, the Kwong Lee Dow Building, Room – Q 227, Level 2, 234 Queensberry St, Melbourne, VIC 3010.
RSVP please, for catering purposes. Email:
No charge, but GOLD COIN DONATIONS requested to cover costs.
Dr. David Kimber was an associate dean, director of postgraduate studies and joint programme coordinator for the Doctor of Business Administration at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)’s Business Faculty in Australia. He has lectured and undertaken research in governance, corporate social responsibility, values and ethics in business, international relations and cross cultural management, at Universities in Australia, India, China, South East Asia, and France as well as the mentoring in Myanmar (see below).
Dr. Fran Siemensma was a full-time faculty member at the School of Management at Victoria University in Melbourne Australia. She has managed internship programs placing over 2500 students at RMIT and Victoria University. She undertook lecturing and research in international business ethics and values, human resource management, communication and managing across cultures at universities in Australia, China, Bangladesh India and France as well as the mentoring in Myanmar.
David & Fran have been married for 26 years. They recently finished an assignment at Myeik University, as part of the Australian Volunteers International (AVI) programme, working asInternational Relations and Cross-Cultural Communication Mentors. They were also AVI volunteers for 16 months at the Monastic Education Development Group (MEDG), Mandalay. They are now back in Australia pursuing mentoring positions in South East Asia.
Swe Zin Myint was a primary teacher at Phaung Daw Oo, monastic school, and teacher trainer /manager at the Monastic Education Development Group in Myanmar. She completed her B.A. at Mandalay University (Swebo branch (2005)), and M.Ed. at Victoria University (2015), Melbourne. She worked for 10 years in teacher training and management development in Myanmar’s Monastic Education sector. She studied in a remote university in Myanmar. She has recently come to Australia to join her husband in Melbourne and is seeking work in the education sector.
A question and answer session will be conducted after the talk. For more information about AMI, please visit: