AMI Monthly Seminar_July Zoom Meeting  

NUG Foreign Minister Daw Zin Mar Aung’s Visit to Australia

This seminar is an online event via Zoom

Date: July 29, 2024 (Monday)  

Duration: 1 hour

Time: 08:00 – 09:00 PM AEST Time (04:30-05:30 PM Myanmar/Yangon Time)

Join Zoom Meeting: please click here 

Meeting ID: 836 7649 6162

Passcode: 235119

The NUG Minister for Foreign Affairs, H.E. Daw Zin Mar Aung, recent visit to Australia included a public meeting co-hosted by the Myanmar Research Centre and the Institute for Peacebuilding at the University of Melbourne. During our webinar we will share a video recording of Daw Zin Mar Aung’s speech and then will go live with a panel discussion on the visit and its outcomes with the NUG’s representative to Australia, Dr Tun Aung Shwe, Sophia Htwe and AMI President Nicholas Coppel.

Dr Tun Aung Shwe is the Representative of Myanmars National Unity Government in Australia, appointed on 19 July 2021. He is a graduate of University of Medicine (1) Yangon, University of Economics Yangon and University of New South Wales. He enjoyed the general practitioner life with local communities for 10 years in Kachin State, then moved to the non-profit, humanitarian sector, and worked for diverse projects and programs in Myanmar. He came to Australia for further study in public health and health management in 2008. Currently, he is undertaking Doctoral Studies at UNSW in the area of peace, conflict, and social cohesion.

Sophia Htwe is a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne’s School of Social and Political Science. Her doctoral research examines local-led peacebuilding approaches in the context of the ongoing Rohingya conflict in Myanmar’s Rakhine State. In addition to her research, she also lectures in development studies at the University. Holding a master’s degree in international Community Development from Victoria University, Melbourne, Sophia Htwe has gained significant experience beyond academia. Before pursuing her PhD, she actively engaged as a practitioner and researcher with international and local organizations in Myanmar and other regions, encompassing various aspects of development, peacebuilding, and humanitarian efforts.

Nicholas Coppel, is President of the Australia Myanmar Institute and was Australia’s Ambassador to Myanmar from 2015-2018. His book with co-author Associate Professor Lennon Chang, Myanmar’s Digital Coup: How the World Responded, is currently in production with Palgrave Macmillan.

***NOTE: This month’s seminar start time is 8:00 PM AEST and 4:30 PM Myanmar Time