AMI December Gathering at Madame Brussels

AMI Gathering at Madame Brussels

This end-of-year gathering is an opportunity for AMI members, contacts and volunteers to get together in person and meet AMI’s new president, Nicholas Coppel. It is also an opportunity to offer suggestions for our 2024 seminar series.

Date    Wednesday 20th December 2023

Time    5:30 pm – 7:00 pm

Venue  Madame Brussels, Level 3, 59 Bourke Street, Melbourne 3000.

RSVP (by 19th Dec) please for catering purposes. Email:

No charge, but BYO drinks at Madame Brussels.

Nicholas Coppel was Australia’s Ambassador to Myanmar for four years from 2015–2018. His DFAT career included postings to Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines and the United States of America. He is currently Adjunct Associate Professor at Monash University and completing a book about the world’s response to Myanmar’s latest coup. His opinion editorials have been published in The Australian, AsiaLink Insights, the ASPI Strategist, Monash Lens and Nikkei Asia, and he is frequently interviewed for his insights including by Voice of America, BBC World Service, ABC 4 Corners, ABC Radio National, ABC TV’s The World, The Age and The Australian.

There will be a welcome remark from AMI’s new president, Nicholas Coppel, and official thanks to our previous president, Christopher Lamb.

For more information about AMI, please visit