AMI Annual General Meeting – AGM
Australia Myanmar Institute invites all members and associate members to a Zoom AGM
The 2020 Annual General Meeting of the AMI will be held on 19 November. Please note that associate members are not entitled to vote at the AGM but can take part in all discussions and are entitled to be elected to the Board if nominated by a member.
Date: November 19, 2020 (Thursday)
Duration: 1 hour
Time: 5:30-6:30 PM Australia/Melbourne Time (01:00-02:00 PM Myanmar/Yangon Time)
Join Zoom Meeting: please click here
Meeting ID: 2852417834
Passcode: 12345
1. Previous Minutes and matters arising
2. President’s Report by President and Acting Director
3. Treasurer’s Financial Report
5. Election of Committee (Board)
Positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and ordinary members up to an inclusive total of 15 people
7. Annual Subscription
Set the rate for the annual subscription, as per the Rules
8. Other business
Documents will be circulated prior to the meeting.
Fees. Rule 12 is as follows:
12 Annual subscription and fee on joining
(1) At each annual general meeting, the Association must determine—
(a) the amount of the annual subscription (if any) for the following financial year; and
(b) the date for payment of the annual subscription.
(2) The Association may determine that a lower annual subscription is payable by associate members.
(3) The Association may determine that any new member who joins after the start of a financial year must, for that financial year, pay a fee equal to—
(a) the full annual subscription; or
(b) a pro rata annual subscription based on the remaining part of the financial year; or
(c) a fixed amount determined from time to time by the Association.
For more information about AMI, please visit: