ANU Preliminary Conference Program

Dear colleagues,
The preliminary conference program is available now for:
Myanmar Update 2019: Living with Myanmar
Friday 15 March and Saturday 16 March 2019
Auditorium, China in the World Building 188, Fellows Lane, ANU
Registration is free and essential on Eventbrite
Building on the 2017 Update which probed the theme of ‘Transformations’, the 2019 conference seeks to explore the contradictions, ambiguities and complexities of ‘Living with Myanmar’. What is it like to live with and navigate the institutions, socialities and political ideals that shape life for many people in and outside of the territory of Myanmar? How are people engaging in creative and productive ways with Myanmar’s historical, geographic and institutional complexities? We invite scholars and practitioners to probe these questions, focusing on how everyday people, activists, state officials and external actors craft lives and worldviews as they live with Myanmar.
Speakers include:
> Al Haj U Aye Lwin, Chief Convenor for the Islamic Centre of Myanmar
> Ikuko Okamoto, Toyo University, Japan
> Jacques Betrand, University of Toronto
> Marie Lall, University College London Institute of Education
> Mellissa Crouch, University of New South Wales
> Michael Breen, The University of Melbourne
> Khin Htet Wai, Namati
> Peter Warr, ANU
> Saw Chit Thet Tun, Salween Institute
> Jane Ferguson, ANU
> Ayako Saito, Sophia University, Japan
> Nemoto Kei, Sophia University, Japan
> Hitomi Fujimura, Sophia University, Japan
> Plus many more
Follow this link for speakers and program:
The Myanmar Update is supported by the ANU College of Asia and the Pacific, International Development Research Centre, Canada, the United Nations Development Program, Myanmar, and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
Please note:
Free of charge
» Pre-conference reception for speakers, moderators and conference participants (14 March 2019)
» Morning tea and afternoon tea (15-16 March 2019)
» Lunch for speakers, moderators (15-16 March 2019)
» Conference Dinner for speakers, moderators and invited guests (15 March 2019)
Fees for participants
» Lunch (15-16 March 2019), details to be advised
» $75 for Conference Dinner (15 March 2019), details and registration through here